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Tax And Insurance Services

Our Mission

We provide tax consultancy services, loans, and financial advisory to companies. Serving to every client’s need and demands is what drives and motivates us. We deliver to you more than what we promise.

International standards

We meet international standards of financial services, and follow all the security protocols. 

Global services

We are an organization that provides global services with local solutions at your disposal.

Our Vision

We are innovators who are redefining your lives with a fusion of your belief and culture. Using our insight and creativity, we provide real estate products to you while fulfilling your aspirations.

Tax consultancy services

For your tax requirements. Learn how to save money by filing for tax returns, and invest wisely.

Loans and proposals

We help you secure loans with different assets that can be converted as collateral.

Amrik Singh Grover

Proprietor Owner

He is the proprietor owner of Grover and Associates. With more than 18 years of experience, he leads the Insurance Division. He has crossed milestones by being a BM Club member of LIC and an IRDA certified insurance advisor. His insights have helped many people to grow. He personally ensures that each client has a smooth experience.

Devendra Wawre


He is the Senior Accounts Manager and leads the Taxation and GST Division of Grover and Associates. With an experience of more than 14 years in life insurance and taxation, he has worked in various capacities in the company. He has a major contribution in setting up the Mumbai operations and also focuses on generation and growth of government business.

Why should you choose us?

We try and understand the you as a consumer and the market. We have served over hundreds of satisfied clients and it is those happy faces that we take pride in.


You are guaranteed to achieve the best with us.


Our clients and suppliers find us trustworthy and reliable.

Client satisfaction

We work hard until you are satisfied.


We provide you with excellent upcoming solutions and ideas.


We commit in providing you with excellence from our end.


We provide you with accurate and updated information.

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